To receive mail, please visit the mailroom located on P1 level, by the north freight elevator. Please contact Canada Post directly for any mail delivery delays or mail concerns. Courier drop boxes are located beside the main mailroom area.
Freight Elevator Services
The building freight elevators are open for building deliveries between 7:00AM–5:00PM, Monday through Friday. As this is a very busy elevator, tenant use at any time for special purposes, moves, etc. must be pre-arranged through submitting a work request via QuadReal Connect or by calling at 780-477-4400.
Passenger elevators are designated solely for transporting tenants and their guests. For this reason, all substantial deliveries are restricted to the loading dock and freight elevator. Access to the loading dock is from 101 Street. In order to provide you with the best service in the loading dock, the following must be adhered to:
- The dock area is reserved for loading/unloading of delivery trucks only and not for regular vehicle unloading or parking.
- All drivers must check in with the Dock Master in the Security Control Center located at the north end of the dock.
- Vehicles have a 15 minute grace period and are charged by the half hour after that time.